Heading to the Airport? Do These 13 Things First

Vacations are the highlights of the year, but with all the excitement, it’s easy to miss some crucial pre-airport tasks. The last thing you want is to start your trip with the realization that you forgot something important. But don’t stress—we’ve got you covered with tips to help you sidestep those common oversights.

1. Light Bites Before Flight

Picking the right meal before flying might save you some mid-air blues. Eating something colossal can backfire, leaving you with tummy troubles or frequent trips down the aisle. Instead, opt for a modest feast. A smaller, balanced dish means you can dodge discomfort and even dodge the queue for the restroom during your flight.

2. Freshen Up Your Fridge!

Getting your bags packed and your itinerary set is just half the battle before whisking yourself away. But hey, let’s not forget the eatables lounging in your fridge. Clearing out your refrigerator before leaving might slip your mind with all the excitement.

You don’t want to return home to a funky fragrance of far-gone food! No one wants their first post-vacation task to be a fridge rescue mission. Save yourself the post-trip blues and do a quick sweep of your perishables.

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3. Avoiding Getting Sick

Who wants to wrestle with a headache or a queasy stomach at 30,000 feet? Not you, right? Let’s face it, flying can sometimes stir up those pesky symptoms we’d rather avoid.

Here’s a pro tip: never leave home without tucking some Advil and Tums into your carry-on. Being prepared could mean the difference between a smooth ride and feeling under the weather.

4. Secure Your Seating Early

Airlines often let you choose your seats 24 hours before flying. So, mark your calendar to jump online and snag those side-by-side seats. This small step can make sure you and your partner in crime are sharing laughs and elbow space from takeoff to touchdown.

5. Craft Your Perfect Trip Plan

Heading out with zero plans could leave you lost and wasting precious moments. Before you even think of zipping up that suitcase, make sure you have a clear idea of your top destinations. This way, you won’t look like you’ve lost your map every five minutes.

On the flip side, it’s tempting to pack your schedule with a marathon of sights, but who wants their holiday to feel like a race? Be kind to yourself and your watch; cherry-pick a few must-visit attractions and keep a cheeky list of ‘maybe’ spots for when you’re ahead of time.

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6. Arrange Transportation to the Airport

Securing a ride to the airport often slips through the cracks when your mind is bustling with travel plans. To sidestep the last-minute frenzy and the pricey taxi fare, it’s wise to lock down a lift way ahead of time.

7. Get a Head Start on Destination Details

Delving into the basics of your destination can transform your trip from good to great. Knowing the local language, even just a smattering of common phrases can erase complications that arise from communication mix-ups.

Nab a virtual tour around your hotel neighborhood. Spotting landmarks and discovering local hangouts online can save heaps of time for when you’re actually there. Getting a sense of the community vibe not only prepares you for interaction but also adds an extra layer of excitement.

8. Check Your Passport’s Date

Before you zip off to the airport, make sure your passport’s expiration date won’t stop you in your tracks. Some airlines have a strict rule: if your passport is about to expire within one to six months, they might just say “no-go” to your overseas plan. It’s a good rule of thumb to inspect and renew your passport well ahead of time.

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9. Checking Delays/Cancellations

Your much-anticipated day has arrived, and as you reach the airport, a quiet check-in area greets you. Chances are, it’s not your lucky day, and your flight might be running late or even canceled.

Avoid being caught off guard by verifying your flight’s status before you buzz with excitement. It’s smart to double-check on your day of travel, and right before you head out the door is ideal.

10. Alert Your Card Provider

Before you zip off on your next adventure, remember to ping your credit card company. Here’s the deal: use your card in a new locale without a heads-up, and alarm bells might ring at the fraud department.

If you’re munching poutine in Montreal and suddenly your card’s riding a gondola in Venice, they might think it’s a swindler’s shopping spree, not yours. Simple solution: just let them know about your travel plans. It’s a smooth move to keep the good times rolling without any hiccups.

11. Secure Your Suitcase

Lost your lock again, didn’t you? No sweat! As soon as you unpack from your adventure, make a pit stop to snag a new lock. Pop it in your suitcase for safekeeping, and voila, you’re all set for your next departure. Remember, a tiny lock can save you from a heap of worry.

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12. Don’t Pack All Your Cards

Before you zip up your bags, think about which cards truly need to tag along. Your library card, gym membership, and that frozen yogurt loyalty card (even though it’s just one stamp away from a free scoop) probably won’t see the light of day. Trim the fat from your wallet and carry only what’s necessary—like your ID and maybe a credit card or two.

13. Money Exchange

Airport kiosks often give you less bang for your buck, which is a shame when every penny could be unlocking fun on your travels. To stretch your budget, try a local bank or a dedicated currency exchange spot before you head out.