20 Hidden Travel Costs: How to Spot Them & Save Big on Your Next Trip

Have you ever been super excited for a trip, only to find out you’re spending more money than you planned? We’re going to uncover the sneaky hidden costs that can sneak into travel plans.

We’ll show you how to spot those pesky extra fees and share top tips to keep your wallet happy!

Playa Del Carmen Beachfront Luxury Resort
Playa Del Carmen Beachfront Luxury Resort

1. Resort Fees

Your dream vacation can turn sour when you find extra charges tacked on your hotel bill at checkout—those pesky resort fees.

You might’ve snagged what felt like a great room rate, only to discover there’s an additional daily charge that covers amenities like the pool or gym, even if you never dipped a toe in the water.

To keep more cash for souvenirs, check out the fine print before you book. Sift through hotel details or call ahead to confirm!

2. Baggage Fees

Airlines love to tempt you with low fares, then surprise you with fees for checking bags. Before you know it, your wallet feels a lot lighter.

Go light and use your free carry-on. Still need more room? Find credit cards that say goodbye to baggage fees, bringing extra savings. A neat trick is to wear your bulkiest items on the flight.

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3. Roaming Charges

Your phone is like a trusty sidekick, but it can turn into a costly companion if you’re hit with roaming charges. Those fees for calls, texts, and internet outside your carrier’s network can be a real sting on your wallet.

To avoid getting zapped by high costs, connect to Wi-Fi whenever possible. If you’re planning to use data, consider a local SIM card for cheaper rates.

Mexican Pesos
Mexican Pesos

4. Currency Conversion Fees

Airport currency exchange kiosks often charge through the roof with hefty fees, leaving you with less to spend on souvenirs. But there’s a smarter way to handle your travel money needs.

Your bank might be your ticket to savings; before jet-setting abroad, check in with them. You could score a better rate but keep an eye out for hidden charges, though, so you won’t get snagged by an unexpected fee.

Debit and credit cards can be lifesavers for cash-free convenience. Just watch out for foreign transaction fees that nibble at your funds. And if you’re reaching for an ATM overseas, choose a card that’s known for travel-friendly traits, like Wise.com.

5. Departure Taxes

Not all destinations have them, but in places like some countries in South America, you might have to pay this fee in cash at the gate, especially when flying with budget airlines.

Don’t let this be the rain on your parade; a quick check online or a call to your airline can help you avoid that last-minute dash to the ATM.

6. Visa Application Fees

Some countries offer visas on arrival, but snagging your visa ahead of time often saves some cash. That trip to the sun-kissed beaches of Indonesia? Your visa fee might be a cool $35. Dreaming of the grandeur of Russia’s palaces? Prepare to uncork $160 for your entry pass.

Some agents or third-party websites might offer you a speedy visa, yet their price tag can leave your budget gasping for air. Instead, go straight to the source of official embassy websites.

Indonesia Beach
Indonesia Beach

7. Travel Insurance Upsells

When planning your trip, you may find travel insurance upsells nipping at your budget. Initially, you’ll see a tempting base price, but as you click through, extras start pouring in.

And let’s be honest, fear of missing out might nudge you to tick all those boxes. Before you know it, your wallet feels lighter than expected!

So how do you dodge these sneaky extras? First, look closely at what’s essential. Do you really need the pricey “extreme adventure” option if you’re not scaling mountains?

Often, the basic plan is beefy enough for your tranquil beach getaway. For those special items in your luggage, insuring expensive equipment separately might be smarter.

8. Seat Selection Charges

Breeze through booking your next flight but watch out for those sneaky seat selection charges. Some airlines offer free seat selection during check-in. Others, you can sidestep the fee by accepting a randomly assigned seat.

If you’re flying solo and aren’t picky about where you sit, why not save that money for a treat at your destination? And if you must pick that perfect spot, consider airlines that keep it simple with transparent seat selection fees.

9. In-Flight Purchases

Ever settled into your seat, only to be hit by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee or a warm meal from a few rows ahead? Your stomach grumbles, but your wallet groans.

In-flight snacks and beverages can be pricier than your typical airport fare. A simple sandwich or salad could easily cost triple what you’d pay on the ground.

Stay savvy by packing snacks from home. You’ll not only beat hunger pangs without shelling out extra cash, but you’ll also get to enjoy your personal favorites. For longer flights, consider a filling meal at the airport before boarding.

inside cabin of airplane
inside cabin of airplane

10. Airport Transfers

Strolling off the plane, you’re hit by the buzz of the airport. The task ahead? Getting to your final destination. Taxis may beckon with their curbside convenience, but that meter ticks up quicker than a heartbeat.

Instead, peek at the public transportation links for trains and buses. They’re kinder to your wallet and often just as quick.

Got heavy bags? Rideshares swoop to the rescue, often with set fares that cut out nasty surprises. But if you’ve booked a hotel, check if they offer a shuttle service.

11. Early Check-In/Late Check-Out Fees

Hotels can charge for checking in early or leaving late, and these fees can sneak up on you. To keep your wallet happy, check the hotel’s policy before you book. Some hotels love to help you out for free if they can.

But during busy seasons, they may stick to a strict schedule, and that’s when they might slip in an extra charge. Always ask ahead to avoid surprises on your bank statement.

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12. Wi-Fi Access Charges

When you’re traveling, staying connected is a must, but those pesky Wi-Fi access charges can be a budget buster. Hotels and airports are notorious for slapping on a hefty fee for internet use.

Don’t get caught off guard—check if your hotel includes Wi-Fi in your room rate, or you might face a charge of up to $20 a day just to scroll through your emails.

beer from mini-bar
Beer from mini-bar

13. Mini-Bar Snacks & Beverages

When you step into your hotel room, the mini-bar invites you with chilled sodas and tempting treats. It’s easy to reach for a snack when hunger hits, but watch out! Those little goodies pack a big price punch.

What costs a dollar at the local store might be triple on your hotel invoice. And those tiny bottles of alcohol? Their cost can rival a full-sized bottle from a shop. Dodge these budget busters. Stock up on snacks at a nearby grocery store or bring your own from home.

14. Tourist Taxes

Hotels and resorts often include a local tourist tax in your bill, and it’s not just pocket change. But don’t fret; simply visit the local tourism websites before booking; they often outline any extra fees you’ll face.

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15. Car Rental Insurance

When grabbing those car keys from the rental desk, you might feel a pinch in your wallet from sneaky insurance costs. Opt for their coverage, and you could be dishing out $10 to $30 extra daily. While it’s optional in most parts, skipping it leaves you open to risk.

Got your own auto insurance? It might cover you, so check before you jet off. Credit cards often offer rental protection, but you must pay for the rental with that card.

american dollars
American dollars

16. Tipping Expectations

Navigating the maze of tipping can be a nuisance, but getting it right could save you a pinch in your wallet.

In the U.S., giving a waiter 15% to 20% of the pre-tax bill is pretty standard. For hotel housekeeping, a neat little sum of $3 to $5 per day is the sweet spot. As for bell boys, $1 to $2 per bag should do the trick.

17. Parking Fees

Don’t let steep parking costs sneak up on you! Many travelers overlook the expense of parking when budgeting for trips. Did you know that some hotels offer free parking as part of a stay package? Look for those sweet deals beforehand.

And when it comes to airports, off-site parking can shield you from high on-site fees. Just remember to check the shuttle schedule so you’re not racing against time!

Craving more savings? Consider car-sharing services or public transportation to avoid parking charges altogether.

18. Peak Season Price Hikes

In the world of travel, timing is everything, and the time you choose to pack your bags can hit your wallet hard. When everyone is rushing to get that sunny beach spot or cozy mountain chalet, prices soar.

This is the peak season effect—the demand goes up and so do the costs. You’re competing with a sea of vacationers, all eager for the same experience, and this popularity can double or even triple what you’d normally pay.

To dodge these surges, plan around these bustling travel periods. Hotels and flights follow the simple rule: the fuller they are, the pricier they get. If saving is on your mind, consider shoulder seasons when the crowds thin out but the weather still smiles.

peak season flying
Peak season flying

19. Dynamic Pricing Pitfalls

Spotting dynamic pricing while planning your trip can be like playing hide and seek. Just when you think you’ve nabbed that sweet deal on a flight, it poofs — the price jumps up.

Got a tight schedule? Flying at popular times might sting your wallet due to demand-based price hikes. Stay alert and flexible; maybe fly at less popular hours.

20. ATM Withdrawal Fees

Ever find yourself flinching at ATM fees during your travels? You’re not alone. Here’s the lowdown: using an ATM abroad can cost more than you think. Your bank might hit you with a fee for using an out-of-network ATM.

Choose a debit card that waives these pesky fees. A wise choice can save you loads of dough. And here’s a crisp tip—withdraw larger amounts less often to cut down on fees.

Final Thoughts

You’re now a savvy traveler, armed with the knowledge to take on those sneaky hidden costs that try to put a dent in your vacation fun.

Before embarking on your next adventure, check out our guide for snagging the cheapest flights!