Is Hawaii Overrated? Don’t Visit Until You Read This

Are you thinking about booking a trip to the tropical paradise of Hawaii? We know the allure: crystal-clear waters, breathtaking sunsets, and endless hours lounging on white sandy beaches.

But is Hawaii really all it’s cracked up to be? Before you pack your bags and board that plane, stop and read this article first.

We’re here to debunk some common myths about Hawaii and share some insider tips that will help you decide if it’s worth the hype.

Hold onto your leis, folks – we’re about to uncover the truth behind one of the world’s most popular vacation destinations!

Is Hawaii Over-Hyped?

Let’s dive into some of those factors people often bring up when describing the Aloha State as potentially overhyped. Keep in mind, sometimes the overratedness might just be a matter of perspective. Let us break it down for you.
Snorkeling Hanauma bay Oahu Hawaii
Crowd at Hanauma Bay Oahu, Hawaii

Crowds and Over-Tourism

One of the most common complaints against Hawaii’s charm is the overcrowdedness at some popular tourist spots. It’s no secret that too much love can sometimes be a bad thing. With the number of tourists coming into Hawaii each year, it might leave you feeling like a sardine in a can. In fact, nearly 10 million people visited the state in 2018. To put that in perspective, it means that up to 250,000 tourists are present in Hawaii each day, which is nearly a fifth of the state’s population! Now, we know what you’re thinking. “More the merrier, right?” Well, not exactly. When it comes to Hawaii’s beaches, hiking trails, and natural beauty, there’s a point when the crowd starts to take away the charm. We all love a good beach day, but nobody’s a fan of fighting for a patch of sand the size of a postage stamp, right? Especially when parking is filled up by mid-morning, and beach access is restricted due to maxed-out capacity. It’s frustrating when all you want to do is feel the sand between your toes and catch some sweet, sweet sun.
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High Costs

Say Aloha to higher prices, folks! With so many people clamoring for a piece of tropical paradise, it’s no surprise that your wallet might feel a little lighter. Sipping on fruity drinks while lounging under palm trees doesn’t come cheap. Hawaii can be a bit of a strain on your wallet with its elevated costs of living and vacation expenses. Accommodations, food, and even simple things like grocery shopping can make your bank account feel the pinch. Remember, budget is key!
Mountains of Kualoa Ranch Hawaii Natural Beauty
Mountains of Kualoa Ranch Hawaii Natural Beauty

Environmental Degradation

Though Hawaii is known for its spectacular natural beauty, some visitors find an environmental downside to the paradise. Over-tourism and irresponsible visitors have left some areas suffering from degradation, which is a sad reality of such in-demand vacation destinations.
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What Can You Do?

There is one thing to bear in mind, not all of Hawaii falls into those negative descriptions. For instance, Honolulu and Waikiki may be labeled as overrated, but step outside those tourist-heavy areas, and you might find a whole other experience that might make you feel otherwise. Pro tip: You’re in control of your vacation – choose your own adventure!
Twin Wailua Waterfalls on Kauai
Twin Wailua Waterfalls on Kauai

Expectations vs. Reality

Hawaii is the land of swaying palm trees, shimmering beaches, and… a painfully high cost of living?! When you first hear about this tropical paradise, it’s easy to imagine an endless summer vacation. However, the reality might not always match your daydreams. Now, don’t get it twisted; Hawaii is undeniably breathtaking. With its astonishing coastal views, waterfalls, and lush landscapes, you can’t help but fall in love with its natural beauty. But there’s a flip side to this coin. For starters, everything in Hawaii is pricier than your average place, whether it’s the cost of a hotel room or those tempting poke bowls.
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It’s no wonder, given Hawaii’s isolation and the demand for resources. So, when you’re basking in the sun, with a cocktail in hand, just remember that you’re paying top dollar for that experience. Next up: popular tourist spots. You might be picturing serene beaches, but when you find yourself rubbing shoulders with hordes of visitors, it might dampen your spirits. But hey, who says you have to stick to the well-trodden path? A little research and you might uncover some hidden gems away from the crowds. Speaking of crowds, be prepared for a bit of traffic while exploring the islands. Yup, even paradise has its fair share of traffic jams, as much as you didn’t want to hear it. Sorting out your itinerary and transportation options, like shared rides or car rentals, might just save you some frustration. Lastly, don’t expect a spotless utopia either. While Hawaii is undoubtedly gorgeous, it’s not immune to some of the less glamorous aspects of urban life. In big cities like Honolulu, you’ll come across homelessness and grime, just like anywhere else. So, is Hawaii overrated? Eh, that’s up for debate. But the reality is, it’s still a tropical paradise that’s worth checking out – as long as you’re prepared for the mix of expectations and reality this magical place has in store for you!
Halona Beach Cove Oahu
Halona Beach Cove Oahu

Popular Attractions & Activities

Let’s dive into some of the most popular attractions and activities that Hawaii has to offer. From sandy beaches to awe-inspiring volcanoes, this tropical paradise is brimming with adventure and breathtaking sights.


When you think of Hawaii, chances are the first things that come to mind are its world-famous beaches. With their golden sands and crystal-clear waters, they’re the perfect spots to work on your tan, catch some gnarly waves, or simply relax with a good book. Hawaii is home to some of the most beautiful beaches on the planet, like Waikiki Beach on Oahu, which offers endless opportunities for sunbathing and surfing. Then there’s Maui’s Kaanapali Beach, where you can kick back and watch cliff divers take exhilarating leaps into the ocean at sunset.
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Volcanoes National Park

For a taste of something truly spectacular, pay a visit to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island. Jaw-dropping volcanic landscapes await your discovery, including fiery lava flows, towering summits like Mauna Loa, and the famous Kilauea volcano, which has been putting on quite the show for decades. While you’re there, hike through lush rainforests, explore hardened lava tubes, and get up close and personal with the park’s unique geology. You’ll feel like an intrepid explorer as you traverse this awe-inspiring volcanic playground.
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Pearl Harbor

Step back in time and delve into a piece of history by exploring the Pearl Harbor National Memorial on Oahu. This iconic site commemorates the attack on Pearl Harbor that propelled the United States into World War II. It’s an incredibly moving experience to pay your respects and learn more about the courage and sacrifices made during that turbulent time. During your visit, take a guided tour of the USS Arizona Memorial and the USS Battleship Missouri to deepen your understanding of these historic events. If you’ve got a penchant for military history, this is a must-see destination on your Hawaiian adventure.
Get Off the Beaten Path: 13 Hidden Gems in Oahu

Comparing Hawaii to Other Destinations

So, you’re thinking about traveling to a tropical paradise and Hawaii is on your radar. But before you book your tickets, it’s worth considering how the Aloha State stacks up against some other amazing destinations out there.

Caribbean Islands

The Caribbean Islands can be an incredible alternative to Hawaii. These laid-back islands are well known for their stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush rainforests. In the Caribbean, you’ll find countless opportunities for relaxation, water sports, and unique cultural experiences. Comparing costs, the Caribbean can be a more affordable option than Hawaii. While Hawaii is known for its expensive lodging, dining, and activities, many Caribbean destinations offer all-inclusive resorts, which can help you save some bucks. Plus, with a wide range of islands to choose from, you’ll be able to find the perfect getaway that suits your style and budget.
Isla Mujeres Turquoise Waters of the Caribbean Sea
Isla Mujeres Turquoise Waters of the Caribbean Sea

Southeast Asia

Ah, Southeast Asia! This diverse and vibrant region has a little something for everyone. From the bustling cities of Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur to the pristine beaches in Indonesia and the Philippines, Southeast Asia seems like an endless adventure. While Hawaii’s natural beauty and charm are undoubtedly worth experiencing, Southeast Asia offers a greater variety of landscapes and cultural experiences at a fraction of the cost.
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Affordable accommodations, cheap street food, and low-cost activities make this region a budget traveler’s dream. In terms of accessibility, Hawaii might be an easier destination for travelers from the US West Coast, to which it’s closer. However, for globetrotters seeking an exotic experience beyond the typical beach vacation, Southeast Asia has countless gems waiting to be explored.

Making the Most of Your Trip

Still planning a trip to Hawaii? Let’s dive straight into how you can make the most out of your trip in Hawaii while debunking the overrated myth!

Choosing the Right Hawaiian Island

Hawaii has so many beautiful islands that deciding on just one can be a challenge. Don’t stress, though! Each island caters to different tastes and preferences. Oahu: Known as the ‘Heart of Hawaii,’ Oahu boasts vibrant city life, famous beaches like Waikiki, and historical sites like Pearl Harbor. For a blend of culture and beach time, Oahu is a winner!
Maui island
Maui island
Maui: Want a mix of everything Hawaii has to offer? Maui is your go-to. From luxurious resorts to jaw-dropping waterfalls and the famous Road to Hana, this island is a haven for explorers. The Big Island: For volcano enthusiasts and nature lovers, the Big Island has two active volcanoes and stunning landscapes, ranging from lush rainforests to barren lava fields. Kauai: Craving seclusion and natural beauty? Kauai, the ‘Garden Isle,’ offers verdant landscapes, dramatic cliffs, and a serene vibe. Remember, there’s no island where you can’t have a fabulous time – it’s all about what tickles your fancy!
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Traveling During Off-Peak Seasons

So you’ve picked your island, but now you’re worried about the crowds? Fear not; visiting during off-peak seasons can help you avoid the tourist crush. Consider these periods for a more tranquil experience:
  • Late April to Early June: The weather is pleasant, and you’ll avoid the high-season prices of June, July, and August.
  • September to mid-December: Post-summer and before the holiday rush, Hawaii is calmer, and accommodations are often more affordable.
Now you have a blueprint to create a memorable Hawaiian getaway that’ll make others green with envy!

Final Thoughts

Despite the overcrowding, higher prices, and bursting-at-the-seams popularity, it’s worth remembering that Hawaii is, after all, a place of majestic beauty and serene natural wonder.

To answer the age-old question, is Hawaii overrated? The answer is a resounding NO!

While some may question the hype surrounding this tropical paradise, the truth is that Hawaii offers something for everyone.

From stunning beaches to cultural experiences, adventurous hiking trails to delicious cuisine, there is no shortage of things to do and see in this gorgeous destination.

Don’t forget to check out our articles on all-inclusive resorts in Hawaii and the best snorkeling spots on the islands.