31 Strangest Laws in the USA That Will Have You Scratching Your Head

Have you ever stumbled upon a law that made you pause and think, “Is this for real?” The USA is full of surprising rules that might just have you scratching your head in wonder.

Let’s uncover some of the quirkiest laws that are still on the books today. You won’t believe the odd things that could land you in a pickle!

1. In Alabama, Bear Wrestling Matches Are Prohibited

If you’re in Alabama, you might be surprised to learn that it’s a big no-no to grapple with a bear. Back in 1996, Alabama lawmakers said ‘enough’ and voted to slam the door on the practice of bear wrestling for profit.

2. In Alaska, It’s Illegal To Put An Animal In The Back Of An Open Vehicle

You might want to think twice before letting your furry friend catch a breeze in the bed of your pickup truck while driving through Alaska. Here, it’s actually against the law to put any animal in the back of an open vehicle.

This surprising regulation is all about safety. Alaska’s rough roads and unpredictable weather mean it’s much safer for pets to travel inside the vehicle where they’re secure and protected.

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3. In Arizona, It’s Illegal For Donkeys To Sleep In Bathtubs

Believe it or not, in the sunny state of Arizona, your donkey can enjoy almost everything except one peculiar thing: they cannot snooze in a bathtub! This quirky law has its roots in a flood tale where a donkey, enjoying a nap in a tub, got swept miles away.

4. In Arkansas, You Can’t Honk Your Car Horn Near A Sandwich Shop After 9 Pm

In Arkansas, if you’re enjoying a late-night snack at a local sandwich shop, keep an ear out for the time. You must resist the urge to honk your car horn after 9 PM. This quirky rule has been on the books since the 1920s.

It began with a ban on honking near places serving sandwiches and cold drinks. Want to know the reason? It’s to prevent disturbing the peace during the late hours.

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5. In California, It’s Illegal To Whistle For A Lost Canary Before 7 AM

If you’re in Berkeley and your canary goes missing, hold off on the search party till after sunrise! It sounds quirky, but yes, in Berkeley, California, you can’t legally whistle for your feathered friend if they fly the coop before 7 am.

6. In Connecticut, A Pickle Must Bounce To Officially Be Considered A Pickle

While no law today states a pickle must bounce, this test is a juicy piece of Connecticut’s food inspection history. If it doesn’t bounce, it could have been deemed a fake pickle.

Now, this isn’t a legal requirement today, but it’s one of those bits of lore that makes you wonder about the unique ways we used to check food quality.

7. In Florida, It’s Illegal To Pass Gas In A Public Place After 6 PM On Thursdays

Picture this: it’s Thursday, the clock strikes 6 pm, and suddenly, it’s illegal to fart in public. Oddly specific, right? This law is not a myth! It’s an old statute and, believe it or not, it’s still on the books.

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8. In Georgia, It’s Against The Law To Tie A Giraffe To A Telephone Pole Or Street Lamp

You might chuckle, but in Georgia, they’re quite serious about where you park your giraffe. While most folks don’t stroll around with these long-necked friends, the city has a unique law on the books: tying a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp is a big no-no.

9. In Illinois, It’s Illegal To Fall Asleep In A Cheese Shop

Got a knack for snacking and napping? In Illinois, you’ll have to separate these two pastimes. It’s unexpectedly unlawful to snooze in a place where cheese is sold. That’s right, no catching Z’s among the Gouda and cheddar!

10. In Indiana, It’s Forbidden To Catch A Fish With Your Bare Hands

Have you ever thought about grabbing a fish straight from the water on your weekend trip to the lake? If you’re in Indiana, you might want to think again! Indiana has a law on the books that puts a stop to catchin’ catfish—or any fish for that matter—with just your hands.

11. In Iowa, It’s Illegal To Throw A Brick Onto A Highway

In the quaint town of Mount Vernon, Iowa, there’s a law that might make you do a double-take. You’re not allowed to toss a brick onto a highway. It sounds like a given, right?

But in this place, it’s taken so seriously that you’d need permission from the city council itself! It’s a safety measure, sure, but it’s also an oddity that highlights just how unique local laws can be.

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12. In Kansas, It’s A Misdemeanor To Shoot Rabbits From A Motorboat

Believe it or not, in the Sunflower State, taking aim at rabbits while on a motorboat lands you in hot water. That’s Kansas for you, where they take their wild game laws seriously.

13. In Kentucky, It’s Required By Law To Bathe At Least Once A Year

Believe it or not, Kentucky has some quirky laws, and one that catches the eye is the bathing requirement! It’s actually on the books that you need to take a bath or shower at least once every single year.

14. In Louisiana, It’s Illegal To Send A Surprise Pizza

Imagine craving a delicious slice of pizza, but instead of ordering it for yourself, you’re thinking of giving someone else that cheesy surprise. According to a surprising law, it’s actually illegal to send a pizza to someone without their knowledge in Louisiana.

If the recipient decides not to pay for the unexpected delivery, you could be responsible for the bill and maybe even face charges.

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15. In Maine, It’s Unlawful To Tickle Women Under The Chin With A Feather Duster

Can you believe Maine once had a law that banned tickling women under the chin with a feather duster? Laws can be pretty strange, and this one is no exception.

16. In Maryland, It’s Illegal To Take A Lion To The Movies

Maryland has a peculiar rule: You absolutely can’t bring a lion to a movie theater. Surprising, isn’t it? This law comes from a time when wild animals were part of circus-style shows in cinemas.

Ensuring public safety always comes first, which makes sense—while lions might be impressive, they’re not exactly ideal movie buddies.

17. In Massachusetts, It’s Forbidden To Give Beer To Hospital Patients

In Massachusetts, you’ll find a quirky law that makes giving beer to hospital patients a no-go. Believe it or not, under this unusual piece of legislation, you’d have to keep any beer away from patients, unless you have a doctor’s approval.

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18. In Michigan, It’s Illegal To Kill A Dog Using A Decompression Chamber

In Michigan, laws protect our furry friends in ways you might find surprising. For one, it’s a no-go to use a decompression chamber on a dog.

This rule is all about ensuring kindness to animals, making sure their last moments are humane and gentle. Michigan takes animal welfare seriously, and this quirky statute reaffirms that commitment.

19. In Minnesota, You Cannot Hang Male & Female Underwear Together

If you’re in Minnesota, keeping your laundry organized takes on a whole new meaning. Who would have thought your undies could be so controversial?

Well, in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, a peculiar law requires male and female underwear to be hung separately on the washing line. Remember, when you’re sorting out socks and shirts, give those undergarments their own space on the line.

20. In Mississippi, It Is Illegal To Teach Others What Polygamy Is

If you find yourself chatting about marriage laws in Mississippi, remember this surprising fact: teaching the concept of polygamy is actually against the law.

According to the law, persuading someone to practice or adopt polygamy, or even to move somewhere else for this purpose is prohibited.

21. In Missouri, It’s Illegal To Drive With An Uncaged Bear

You won’t believe it, but in Missouri, if you’re cruising around with a bear, that furball must be in a cage. Missouri law is firm on this—you can transport your bear buddy only if it’s caged.

22. In Montana, It Is Illegal To Give A Rat As A Present

Did you know that in Montana, you’re not allowed to give someone a rat as a gift? That’s right, it’s actually against the law. If you have a soft spot for pet rats, Montana might not be the place for you.

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23. In Nebraska, It’s Illegal To Go Whale Fishing

You might not believe it, but in Nebraska, searching for whales is a big no-no! Nebraska is smack in the middle of the country, with no ocean in sight. Yet, this quirky law prohibits whale fishing anywhere in the state.

24. In Nevada, It’s Against The Law To Pawn Your Dentures

If you ever find yourself in a pinch in Nevada, remember—your dentures aren’t your ticket to quick cash. It may sound quirky, but pawning dentures in this state is a big no-no. The law ensures dental items stay personal and health standards stay high.

25. In New Hampshire, You Can’t Collect & Carry Away Seaweed At The Beach At Night

Ever thought you could be breaking the law while strolling on the beach at night? In New Hampshire, if you’re tempted to snag some seaweed after sunset, think again!

A quirky law makes it illegal to pick up seaweed off the beach when it’s dark outside. This odd rule dates back to 1973 and aims to curb illegal seaweed harvesting.

26. In New Jersey, It’s Illegal To Frown At A Police Officer

Did you know that in New Jersey, giving a frown to a police officer isn’t just unfriendly, it’s against the law? A quirky piece of legislation specifies that it’s a no-go to make grimaces or any gestures that might seem disrespectful to those in uniform.

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27. In New Mexico, ‘Idiots’ Are Not Allowed To Vote

Would you believe that in New Mexico there was a time when the law specifically banned “idiots” from voting? It sounds like a twist in a quirky novel, but this was an actual statute.

While the term “idiot” historically had a very different meaning—referring to individuals with certain intellectual disabilities—it’s still eye-opening to learn about these odd restrictions embedded in law.

28. In New York, It’s Illegal To Wear Slippers After 10 PM

New York has some unique laws, and here’s one that might catch you off guard. In the Big Apple, slipping into your cozy slippers for a late-night snack run could actually be against the law if it’s after 10 pm.

Apparently, the idea behind the rule was to maintain public decorum, even at night. So if you’re roaming the streets of this bustling city past bedtime, make sure you’re wearing something more substantial than slippers!

29. In North Carolina, It’s A Felony To Steal More Than $1,000 Worth Of Grease

Did you know that in the world of quirky laws, North Carolina takes its kitchen grease very seriously? If you snag more than $1,000 worth of grease, you’re looking at a felony charge! This isn’t just a small mishap; it’s a major offense.

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30. In North Dakota, It’s Illegal To Lie Down & Fall Asleep With Your Shoes On

Ever found yourself dozing off on a couch and thought, “I should take my shoes off first”? If you’re in North Dakota, you’ll definitely want to follow that instinct! You might chuckle, but it’s actually against the law to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.

31. In Ohio, It’s Illegal To Disrobe In Front Of A Man’s Portrait

Ohio has a law that could give you pause. In the Buckeye State, if you decide to change clothes in front of a man’s picture, think again—it’s not allowed! Whether this law is enforced or not, it’s a quirky piece of legislation that continues to amuse and baffle.