13 Unbelievable Things That Can Get You Kicked Off a Plane

Flying is usually straightforward, but some actions can lead to a quick exit off the plane. You might be surprised by the reasons some passengers end up saying goodbye to their flight before it even takes off! Stay with us, and let’s explore some of the unbelievable things that could get you kicked off a plane.

1. Not Following Crew Instructions

If you’re flying high in the sky and a flight attendant asks you to buckle up or put your seat up, it’s not just a polite suggestion—it’s a must-do. When you disobey flight crew instructions, it can lead to some serious consequences. Your action could mean you’re waving goodbye to your flight, as the crew’s top priority is safety and order.

2. Using Offensive Language

Did you know that using rude words can get you a one-way ticket off your flight? Yep, cursing or saying mean things that can upset others is a big no-no. When you’re up in the air, it’s all about being kind and respectful. After all, nobody wants to sit next to someone spewing nasty words!

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3. Getting Drunk

Having one too many drinks on a flight might seem like a good way to unwind, but it could lead to an unexpected detour. If you’re visibly tipsy, the flight crew may decide you’re too much of a risk to keep on board. They’re on the lookout for disruptive behavior that suggests you’re not just relaxed but actually over the limit.

Things like slurred speech, being overly loud or getting into disagreements, can all signal that your celebration has gone one sip too far. It’s best to keep it moderate, because an overindulgence in alcohol could result in you being escorted off the plane before you can enjoy the destination you’re excited to explore.

4. Smoking in the Lavatory

If you’re tempted to light up in the airplane bathroom, think again! Smoking is a no-go on flights and that includes the lavatory. Airplanes are equipped with smoke detectors for everyone’s safety, and if you’re caught smoking, you could face serious penalties.

Even if you’re sneaky about it, the smell gives it away, and you can find yourself removed from the plane faster than you can snuff out that butt. Remember, those few minutes of nicotine aren’t worth the risk of hefty fines or the possibility of being banned from an airline.

5. Rowdy or Disruptive Behavior

If you’re flying the friendly skies, make sure your behavior is top-notch. Causing a ruckus, from arguing loudly to pestering fellow passengers, lands you on the no-fly list fast. Keep it calm and courteous, and you’ll cruise through the clouds with ease.

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6. Making Jokes About Bombs

Believe it or not, cracking a joke about bombs on a plane isn’t going to score you any laughs. In fact, it’s a surefire way to get shown the exit before the plane even takes off. Security is no laughing matter when it comes to flying, and airlines take any mention of bombs seriously.

Your words have power, and even a playful comment can be misunderstood as a security threat, leading to delays and an invitation to chat with airport police. So when you’re packing your sense of humor for your flight, leave the bomb jokes at home – your fellow passengers will appreciate it!

7. Taking Photos of Crew Members Without Permission

Snapping a candid shot of your favorite flight attendant might seem harmless, but it can actually land you in hot water! If you’re tempted to capture the moment, pause and ask for a thumbs-up first. Flight crews are big on privacy, and without their okay, you could be facing more than a stern look – you might even find yourself escorted off the plane!

8. Tampering with Smoke Detectors

If you’re flying high in the sky and think disabling a smoke detector is a clever move, think again! Airlines are super strict about keeping those gadgets working. Why? Your safety is their top priority. Tampering with smoke detectors is a big no-no and doing so might land you in a heap of trouble.

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9. Ignoring Seatbelt Signs

When you’re up in the air, safety is key, and that’s why those seatbelt signs aren’t just for show. If the light flicks on and you’ve decided you’re not buckling up, think again! Not only could this be a safety risk but it can also get you in unexpected trouble. Airlines have rules that passengers must follow, and yes, this includes honoring the seatbelt sign.

10. Inappropriate Touching

While flying high, keeping your hands to yourself is crucial. You might not realize it, but touching others without their consent could lead to you waving goodbye to your flight from the ground. It’s simple: respect personal space and avoid making fellow passengers uncomfortable. Remember, keeping to your own seat area is key to a smooth ride for everyone on board!

11. Using Unapproved Electronic Devices

Did you know your favorite gadgets could get you into hot water on an airplane if they’re not cleared for flight? It’s true! When you’re way up in the sky, the rules change, and your go-to electronic devices might need to take a little nap for the trip.

Some items like certain headphones or game consoles could disrupt the pilot’s equipment. So, if the crew asks you to switch off your gadget, it’s not just a polite request. They’re ensuring everyone’s flight is smooth and worry-free.

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12. Arguments with Other Passengers

Getting into a spat with your seatmate or another traveler? Think twice before letting tempers fly! Airplanes are not the place for heated debates or squabbles. If things get too loud or intense, you might find yourself waving goodbye to your flight while still on the ground. Airline staff take the comfort and peace of all passengers seriously.

13. Expressing Threats

When you’re up in the air, every word counts. Mentioning words that imply harm or danger isn’t taken lightly. Airline staff are always on alert for passenger safety. If you make a joke or a comment about threats, even if you’re smiling, your words can have serious consequences. It’s vital to keep the conversation positive and threat-free. Your actions play a big role, so maintaining a peaceful demeanor is key.