18 Weird Things Tourists Do That Locals Find Absolutely Bizarre

In different corners of the world, what’s ordinary for one person can be downright strange to someone else. Get ready to discover a list of things that just might make you say, “They do what now?” as we explore some truly unique tourist antics.

1. Obsessively Photographing Everything

Have you ever noticed how tourists seem to have their cameras glued to their hands? In cities and landmarks across the globe, it’s common to spot visitors snapping photos as if their lives depended on them. From every angle of a statue to each dish at dinner, nothing escapes the lens. But hey, can you blame them? Sometimes you want to capture all that beauty to relive later!

2. Loudly Speaking in Their Native Language

When you’re exploring new places, it’s natural to chat in the language you know best. But remember, talking at top volume can really stick out. It turns heads and not always in a good way! Lowering the volume is a simple way to blend in and show respect.

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3. Wearing I <3 Insert City Here Shirts

Have you ever spotted someone in a bright “I <3 NY” shirt and instantly known they’re not from around there? Tourists adore sporting these tees as a fun way to show their love for a new city. Just remember, although these tees are super common, they’re like a neon sign flashing “tourist” above your head!

4. Haggling Over Fixed Prices

When you find yourself in a new shop, your eyes might spot a perfect souvenir. But, before you ask for a discount, remember, not all places love the art of bargaining. It’s common to try and snag a bargain when the price seems too high. However, in many shops, especially in the States, prices are set in stone, and trying to haggle could lead to some awkward glances.

5. Touching Antique Artifacts

When you visit a museum, you might see some folks who just can’t resist the urge to reach out and feel the textures of ancient artifacts. While it can be tempting to let your fingers graze over items that have withstood the test of time, this habit can harm priceless pieces of history.

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6. Making Out in Public Spaces

Tourists sometimes forget that what’s romantic in one country can be puzzling to the locals elsewhere. Take for instance, public displays of affection, or PDA. While you may feel the love overlooking a gorgeous cityscape, remember that not all cities view kissing in public the same way.

Locals might find it odd when couples get cozy in line at the cafe or during a park stroll. In some places, it’s seen as a private moment that’s best saved for behind closed doors. So, before you lock lips in public, take a peek around and see if it’s the norm, or if you’re staging your own romance movie in a crowd of surprised onlookers.

7. Bringing Their Own Food to Restaurants

Have you ever noticed someone unpacking a sandwich at a steakhouse? Yes, some travelers really do bring their own munchies to a restaurant! They believe it’s a clever move to save a few bucks or keep to a familiar diet. When you’re about to tuck into a local delicacy, it’s best to leave the snacks in your bag and enjoy what the chef has mastered.

8. Mispronouncing Local Landmarks

When you visit a new place, trying to say the local landmarks’ names can be quite the twisty adventure for your tongue! Every town has those spots where the letters just jumble up, leaving locals with a smile as they hear the creative versions tourists come up with. Remember, it’s all in good fun, and most folks are happy to teach you the correct pronunciation.

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9. Struggling with Local Etiquette

When you’re globetrotting, blending in with the locals can be tricky! You might find yourself inadvertently using a peace sign in places where it’s not a friendly gesture. Every place has its own rules, and what’s polite in your hometown could be a no-go elsewhere.

10. Asking Locals for Directions Constantly

When you’re exploring a new place, it’s only natural to feel a tad lost sometimes. But if you’re the type to stop a local every few feet for directions, you might be stirring up some chuckles. Sure, getting from point A to B is crucial, but with smartphones and maps at our fingertips, constantly asking for help could come off as a bit odd.

11. Clogging up Public Transit with Luggage

When you hop on a train or bus, you’re probably no stranger to the mountains of suitcases and backpacks that seem like they might topple over any second. These luggage blockades can slow everyone down, making the commute feel like a snail’s pace adventure.

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12. Feeding Pigeons

Ever found yourself tossing crumbs to a flock of eager pigeons? In many places, locals find this habit by tourists quite strange and often frustrating. In Venice, for example, feeding these birds has even been made illegal. Why? Because pigeon snacks can lead to a mess on historic sites and hefty clean-up costs.

13. Standing on the Wrong Side of Escalators

When you’re zooming through the underground labyrinths of a bustling city like London, you might notice something quirky about the escalators. Locals zip past on one side while others stand calmly on the other. It’s an unspoken rule: stand on the right and walk on the left. This escalator etiquette helps keep the flow smooth for everyone.

14. Misusing Local Slang

When you try to speak like the locals, it can sometimes turn into a hilarious mix-up. Imagine asking for directions and throwing in a slang word you think fits right in, only to get puzzled looks in return. Yes, that slang word might mean something quite different here! Locals can spot a tourist from miles away when words are used in odd or out-of-place ways.

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15. Getting Tipsy in Public Settings

When you’re exploring new places, it’s tempting to kick back with a local drink or two. But sipping too much can lead to some wobbly walks down the main street, leaving locals puzzled. In some spots, especially those not known for their nightlife, this can seem out of place.

16. Buying Souvenirs at Overpriced Tourist Shops

You’ve seen them, those flashy stores packed with souvenirs that seem to shout your name. Let’s face it, we all get lured in by the colorful displays! But local folks rarely give these shops more than a glance.

Tourists often snag up items like pricey keychains or snow globes that can double or triple what they’d cost elsewhere. It’s easy to get caught up in the fun and forget you’re paying extra just for the convenience. Next time you’re tempted, remember that just a few steps away, you might find the same keepsakes for less!

17. Trying to Pet Stray Animals

When you spot a fluffy stray on vacation, you might feel the urge to give it a cuddle, but remember — these animals aren’t used to human touch. Each community deals with its strays differently. In some places, locals might find it odd when tourists attempt to pet or feed these independent creatures.

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18. Neglecting to Tip Service Workers

If you’re touring the States and enjoying the vibrant restaurant scene, remember your servers work hard to ensure you have a great dining experience. Tipping is not just nice, it’s expected—service staff rely on those tips to make a living. In many places, their wages are far below the standard minimum because tips are considered part of their income.