40 Telltale Signs You’re From California: Do You Agree?

Surf’s up! Ever noticed how you say “hella” a lot or crave avocados on everything? We’re spilling the beans on the quirky clues that might reveal you’re from California.

Are you nodding your head yet? Let’s zip through this list and see how many you check off!

1. You Don’t Call It ‘Cali’

If you’re from California, the term ‘Cali’ probably sounds off to you. It’s a bit like hearing nails on a chalkboard. Sure, the state’s famous for its laid-back attitude, but when it comes to what you call your home, it’s simply California.

Friends from out of state might drop the term ‘Cali’ now and then—not knowing it’s a dead giveaway they’re not locals. Embrace the full name with pride because you’re part of a diverse and vibrant community that doesn’t need to shorten its name.

2. In-N-Out Is Your Go-To Burger Spot

When you’re from California, In-N-Out isn’t just a burger joint, it’s a landmark. Craving a fresh, never-frozen patty? You know where to go. That red-and-yellow sign signals more than a meal; it’s a stamp of local pride.

Sink your teeth into an Animal Style burger and it’s clear why this place has a cult following. It’s not just fast food; it’s a slice of California culture.

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3. You Say ‘The’ Before Freeway Numbers

If you’re from California, saying ‘the’ before a freeway number is as natural as a sunny day in Los Angeles. It’s a signature move for Californians. Friends might chuckle if you say “the 405” or “the 101” elsewhere, but in the Golden State, this is just how you navigate the maze of freeways.

4. Surfing Or Beach Culture Is Second Nature

If you’re from California, you definitely have a soft spot for the waves and the sandy shores. Surf’s up is more than a saying—it’s a lifestyle! In SoCal, catching the swell isn’t just for the tan and the thrill, it’s woven into the very fabric of daily life.

5. You Can Wear Flip Flops Year-Round

In California, your flip-flops aren’t just for the beach; they’re a staple, just like a good pair of jeans. With the sun smiling down almost all year, your toes get the freedom they deserve, whether you’re grabbing coffee or walking the dog.

6. You’re Not Surprised By Celebrity Sightings

If you’re from California, seeing a movie star or a famous musician in your local coffee shop is just another Tuesday. Whether they’re shopping on Rodeo Drive or running on the beach in Malibu, celebrities are just part of the landscape.

Your friends from out of state might be eager for these star encounters, but you? You’re more focused on your latte than the A-lister next to you.

7. Avocado Goes On Everything

In California, you know avocado isn’t just a fruit; it’s a lifestyle ingredient that finds its way onto every plate, showing up in every meal. It’s not just about smashing it on toast—though let’s be honest, who doesn’t love that?

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8. You’ve Got A Favorite Taco Spot

If you’re from California, you know your taco joints like you know the back of your hand. In every neighborhood, there’s that one taco spot that’s always bustling, serving up flavors that take you straight to food heaven.

9. You Know What ‘June Gloom’ Means

In Southern California, the early summer sky often greets you with a blanket of gray. This cool, overcast weather is known as “June Gloom.” While some might expect clear blue skies, you’re no stranger to the marine layer fog that rolls over the coast.

It’s a refreshing break from that famous California sunshine, and you’ve learned to embrace the misty mornings before the afternoon sun breaks through. If you’re from California, the words “June Gloom” bring a knowing nod.

10. Your Wardrobe Consists Of Layers

In California, layering is key! Your closet likely reflects the state’s diverse climates. Mornings might be cool, so a light sweater is your go-to. By midday, the sun warms things up and off comes the sweater, leaving you in that comfy T-shirt.

11. You Use ‘Hella’ In Everyday Conversation

If you’re from California, the word ‘hella’ is almost second nature in your chats. This slang term has deep roots in Northern California, especially around the Bay Area. It’s the Golden State’s all-purpose word for ‘very’ or ‘a lot,’ showing the rest of the world you speak with a Californian flair.

12. You’re Serious About Recycling & Composting

If you hail from California, you know separating organic waste is now part of the drill. You pride yourself on your recycling bin’s lineup – plastics, metals, paper products – all sorted with care.

But it’s not just about recycling; you’re also on the frontline of the compost movement. Yep, those coffee grounds and apple cores are getting a second life in your garden, thanks to California’s initiative to curb methane emissions from landfills.

13. You’ve Been To Yosemite At Least Once

If you’re from California, chances are you’ve marveled at the towering cliffs of Yosemite National Park. Remember the first time you saw the iconic Half Dome or the majestic El Capitan? Yosemite is like a rite of passage in the Golden State.

14. Outdoor Activities Are Part of Your Regular Routine

If you call California home, chances are your weekends are spent under the wide-open sky or amidst lush green trails. Whether you’re jogging along the breezy coastline or hiking up those famous hills, you’re consistently soaking up the abundant sunshine.

With an environment that boasts year-round temperate weather, your running shoes have likely seen more miles than your car’s tires!

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15. You’ve Attended A Movie Premiere Or Awards Show

If you’re from California, chances are you’ve rubbed elbows with the stars at a movie premiere or sat in the audience clapping during an awards ceremony. California is home to Hollywood, the heart of the film industry, so it’s no surprise these glamorous events are part of the local culture.

16. You’ve Got Strong Opinions About Northern Vs Southern California

If you’re from the Golden State, chances are you have a strong preference for either the laid-back vibe of Southern California beaches or the diverse urban landscapes of Northern California. It’s almost like a friendly rivalry where each side boasts about their home’s perks.

In Southern California, you bask in year-round sun and surf culture. You’ll argue the merits of outdoor living, where barbecues and beach days are part of your regular routine.

Conversely, when you tilt towards the north, you’re all about that cool, innovative spirit that sweeps from San Francisco’s streets right up to Napa’s vineyards. You revel in distinct seasons, and there’s a charm in wearing layers to explore misty mornings or hopping on a cable car just because you can.

17. You Know How To Find The Best Asian Cuisine

If you’re from California, your palate for Asian food is top-notch. It’s no secret, with access to fresh produce and a melting pot of cultures, you know good Asian cuisine when you taste it.

Ever crave pillowy steamed buns? In California, you’re spoilt for choice – whether it’s a family-run hole-in-the-wall or a swanky eatery downtown. Knowing where the locals flock is your superpower when the urge for authentic flavors strikes.

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18. You’ve Taken A Road Trip Along The Pacific Coast Highway

If you’re from California, chances are you’ve spent time cruising down the Pacific Coast Highway. It’s a signature move for any Golden State native. Your journey along this iconic highway is studded with ocean views that stretch for miles and sunsets that light up the sky in vivid colors.

19. Drought & Water Conservation Are Common Topics Of Conversation

If you’re from California, you know that water conservation efforts are more than just small talk. It’s common to chat about the latest drought conditions or share tips on saving water at home.

And when community meetings roll around, discussions on innovative water-saving technologies are likely on the agenda. You know that every drop counts, and understanding local water restrictions becomes part of your routine.

20. You Consider 60 Degrees Fahrenheit To Be ‘Cold’

If you’re from California, a brisk 60-degree day might have you reaching for a sweater. In the sunny state known for its mild climate, this temperature can feel quite chilly, especially compared to the warm temperatures Californians are used to.

So while folks in colder regions might find this temperature moderate or even comfortable, you know you’re truly Californian if your reaction to 60 degrees is to bundle up.

21. You’ve Experienced The Magic Of Disneyland

California is more than just sunny beaches and towering redwoods – it’s home to the happiest place on earth, Disneyland! If you’re nodding along, it’s clear that the magic of this enchanted place has touched your life.

Whether you remember the thrill of your first roller coaster ride or the joy of meeting your favorite characters, Disneyland holds a special place in the heart of Californians.

22. You’re Unfazed By A Drive That’s Over An Hour

If your reaction to a one-hour drive is a casual shrug, you might just be from California. The state’s sprawling cities and traffic are legendary, and you’ve likely mastered the art of patience behind the wheel.

23. You Know What ‘The Industry’ Refers To

In California, when you mention ‘The Industry’, everyone instantly knows you’re talking about entertainment – movies, TV, and music. It’s a part of life here, and conversations are often sprinkled with chatter about the latest shows or celebrity gossip.

24. You’ve Been To A Desert Music Festival

Attending a desert music festival is almost a rite of passage when you’re from California. If you’ve ever swayed to the rhythm in Indio, you know exactly what the hype is about.

Think palm trees and art installations that turn the desert into a canvas of creative expression. Remember the excitement? The stories are as colorful as the event itself, with bands that set the stage alight and a camaraderie only festival-goers can understand.

25. You’re Likely To Choose Organic & Farm-To-Table

If you hail from California, picking fresh, organic products might be second nature to you. Your grocery list likely prefers food that’s traveled the shortest path from the farm to your table.

You might actively seek out farmers’ markets or restaurants that commit to these earth-friendly choices. This love for nutritious, flavorful meals is a shared habit among many Californians who are conscious about what they eat and where it comes from.

26. You’ve Hiked To The Hollywood Sign

If you’re truly from California, you’ve embraced the journey up to the Hollywood Sign. The path to this legendary landmark is etched in your memory like your favorite movie scenes.

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27. You Know At Least One Person Who Works In Tech

If you’re from California, chances are you cross paths with tech-savvy folks daily. In the heart of innovation, your friend, neighbor, or even your barista might be part of the tech wave.

Whether they’re at a flashy startup or a household name like Google or Apple, tech jobs are as common here as surfboards on the beach.

28. You’re Used To Seeing Cars With Surfboard Racks

Driving along the California coast, the sight of surfboard racks on cars is as common as palm trees swaying in the breeze. They’re a clear sign of the Golden State’s love affair with ocean waves and sandy beaches.

If your vehicle isn’t sporting a rack on top, chances are you know someone whose is. These racks allow for spontaneous surfing adventures, embodying the state’s laid-back yet adventurous spirit.

29. You Know The Difference Between SoCal & NorCal Burritos

If you’re from California, spotting the difference in burritos from SoCal to NorCal is like breathing. Down south, the burritos are stuffed with fries, guac, and sour cream, taking you on a flavor rollercoaster.

Up north, burritos lean towards simplicity. They often highlight the savory taste of grilled meats and fresh pico de gallo. Freshness shines in NorCal, whereas SoCal is a hearty feast wrapped in a tortilla.

30. You’ve Sipped Wine In Napa Valley

If you call California home, chances are you’ve enjoyed a glass of wine amidst the rolling hills of Napa Valley. This isn’t just any wine country; it’s where world-class Cabernet and Chardonnay practically flow like water.

31. You’ve Debated In-N-Out Vs. Shake Shack Vs. Five Guys

If you’re from California, then you know the age-old debate of who makes the ultimate burger. Wading into a discussion about In-N-Out, Shake Shack, and Five Guys isn’t just small talk; it’s a serious matter of state pride!

32. You’ve Got A Favorite Local Coffee Shop That Isn’t Starbucks

Everyone has that one coffee spot where the barista knows your order by heart. In California, the love for local coffee runs deep. It’s not just about the caffeine; it’s about the community vibe and personal touch.

If you call California home, chances are Starbucks isn’t your top pick. Your local joint is where you catch up with friends and savor a latte that’s crafted with care—not just pumped out en masse.

33. You’ve Attended A Protest Or Political Rally

If you’re from California, chances are you’ve raised your voice at a protest or political rally. From environmental causes to human rights, Californians are known for standing up for what they believe in.

The Golden State has a rich history of activism, and you might have been part of it without even realizing it!

34. You Know Someone Who’s Vegan, Gluten-Free, Or Both

If you’re from California, chances are you have a friend who’s all about the vegan, gluten-free lifestyle. In the Golden State, plant-based diets are as common as sunny days.

Think of the last time you went out to eat. Did someone in your group scan the menu for vegan options? Maybe they inquired about gluten-free dishes, avoiding wheat like it’s the last thing they’d want on their plate.

35. You’ve Been Stuck In Traffic On The 405

If you’ve ever driven in California, chances are you’ve lived the legendary 405 traffic jam. Sitting in your car, moving inch by inch, you know the drill. You’ve memorized those brake light patterns and found your zen place—or just flipped through another podcast episode or three.

Everyone has a story about the time it took a whole hour to go five miles. But really, could you even call yourself a Californian if you didn’t share this bonding ordeal?

36. You’ve Watched The Sunset From Griffith Observatory

If you’ve found yourself at Griffith Observatory as the sun dipped below the horizon, you’re stamping your California local card. The sky transforms into a canvas of purples and oranges, and Los Angeles unfolds beneath in twinkling splendor.

37. You’ve Visited The Redwoods

If you’re from California, chances are you’ve strolled through the towering forests of Redwoods National Park. With trees that reach the sky and some that have been around since the Roman Empire, it’s a place that stays in your heart.

39. You’re Not Phased By A Little Smog

If you’re from California, chances are a hazy skyline just means another day in paradise. Los Angeles’ iconic smog doesn’t make you blink an eye. Your morning jog might include a backdrop of misty air–it’s all part of the Golden State’s charm that you know and love!

40. You’ve Got A Collection Of Reusable Shopping Bags In Your Car

If the trunk of your car is full of reusable shopping bags, chances are you’re from California. This habit is more than just a trend; it’s a lifestyle. With the statewide ban on single-use plastic bags, you’ve seamlessly adapted by keeping a stash of these eco-friendly companions on hand for every grocery run.